Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Molly - Baby Session

It was such a joy to meet little Molly a few weeks ago.  She is so precious and beautiful - dark brown hair and bright round eyes.  And she was full of smiles.  Babies are so entertaining - they have so many expressions and show so much personality, even when only a few weeks old.  It is amazing!

Her parents were so sweet with her too - they are such proud parents.  Toward the end of the session Molly was getting a little fussy because we were imposing on her nap time.  Mom and dad made it seem it might take awhile to get her to calm down and fall asleep.  I was prepared for a lot of tears and cries.  And then I had to laugh because literally thirty seconds later Molly fast asleep.  She didn't even squirm when they laid her in her crib.  Shocked at how easy it seemed (I've never seen a baby be put to sleep so fast!), I asked if that was the norm.  Yep, they said.  A few rough days of sleep training and now a no hassle bed time.  Sign me up for parenting classes please - that was incredible.

Welcome to the big ol' world Molly - it's a blessing to have you here!

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